Why not skip ADA compliance?
Overlooking ADA compliance during the creation of a site is common, but it is also detrimental to two categories of people – you and your customers.
Many developers, businesses, and organizations place ADA compliance at the end of their to-do list for one simple reason—they don’t believe that they are affected by accessibility issues, and so it is easy to ignore them. The truth, however, is that, whether you have a disability or not, you are affected by the lack of accessibility on your site. And the reason is simple; if customers or clients can’t easily access your information, you have lost their business.
Put yourself in the place of a prospective visitor to your site. Think about some of the more common disabilities that affect people, and view the site through that lens. Doing so will undoubtedly help you understand the importance of compliance considerations, and there is no better time to address them than during the development process.
Simple steps, taken early on, can not only help users make the most of your site, but can also lead to better organization of information and site structure.
Whether your site is already up and running, or you are currently in the process of developing the next iteration, ADASure’s audit process and recommendations for compliance can help to guide your process and give you a simple, straightforward way to improve the experience for your business and your customers.