f audit results for multiple companies. One area we consistently saw difficulty was videos. The first thing we noticed is that companies are producing high-quality videos with great content. The second thing we noticed is that most videos are not ADA compliant and accessible so they are invisible to many disabled users. There are two key WCAG 2.0 g
="http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-online-shopping-visually-impaired-0914-biz-20170913-story.html#share=email~story">piece detailing the recent accessibility filings against Kmart, Empire Today, and Ace Hardware. The plaintiff, Kayla Reed, alleged “…running websites and mobile apps that blind and visually impaired people can’t re
ure that we have regrettably fallen behind with our blog posts. Thankfully, the additional work has helped us gain more insight into key issues that our partners are dealing with now. We wanted to share in hopes of helping other professionals identify and fix these issues. The most common guideline in which we have seen problems with this week has